Visit London Without Connecting Flights!

Hey everyone!! BIG NEWS!!  I have been getting a really positive response from reader in all FOUR of my blogs!!  Didn’t know I had four blogs?  Well, I most certainly do…

1.) Beauty and More

2.) Fitness and More

3.) Weddings and More

and finally…

4.) DIY and More


Well, this Miss Moore is COMBINING ALL of her blogs INTO ONE!!  Tracking who visits where- I saw lots of people starting out in DIY and hoping over to Beauty and then tracing back to Fitness, and so on…  And while that is great for me [so glad you all enjoy my posts!], and great for you [so glad you come back for MORE!]; I want to make it less of a hassle for my readers.  I have a couple readers who subscribed to multiple blogs- and that is just a lot of e-mail to get every time a new blog has a new post!!


So, no need to hope all over the place connecting from one blog to the next just trying to get to the London page that you like…  ALL blogs will be incorporated on

London Moore: Beauty and More!!

While being a makeup artist is one of my biggest passions- beauty can extend so far from just cosmetics!  Creating a body that you feel beautiful in; finding secrets and inspiration to make a beautiful day out of tying the knot; and putting together do-it-yourself projects that you can be proud of for making your life beautiful on your own terms!!


So, I am going to be leaving these blogs behind [perhaps not forever- but indefinitely], and you can find all of your London Moore interests on:

Check out the blog, and although it may be JUST beauty now- it is going to start evolving into all the areas of interest!!

By subscribing to the blog- the first thing you’ll receive is my “For Subscribers Eyes ONLY: TOP 10 Beauty Tips from London & Back“.  You’ll learn tips to keep you at your most beautiful self long term, and short term quick fixes for the beauty “to-go” orders.  It pays off to be a subscriber!!



4 Ways to JUMP START Your Weight-Loss Transformation- Modeled After 34yr old Mom Who Got Her Hot Bikini Body Back!!


[this post was relocated to LondonMooreBEAUTY]

GIRLS ONLY Club: TOP 5 Rockin’ Workout Songs for Women’s Workout Routines

Work Out Routines Need Some Spicing Up- Que WORKOUT MUSIC!!

Amid your workouts you start to feel that burn that feels as if you just ignited your bones…  Ughhhh… it hurts so…. good?  Hmmm.  Not always….  In fact, it mostly sucks until afterwards when you feel like you can now take on the world with your boost of energy and satisfaction that you just kicked that workouts a%*.  But workout routines can be just plain dull, and you most likely wont commit to finishing all your reps or go the whole time you planned to bang-it-out UNLESS you have AMAZING workout music!!  In the workout world- your choices of what to listen to are limited; it is either: trainer chanting instructions to you, quite with your own thoughts [can be seriously dangerous], or music of your choosing.  Now since OUR team is targeted towards women’s workout routines- I have 5 WORKOUT SONGS that will pump you through whatever exercise you are attempting to push through till the end!!

Weight Workout Routines:

WORKOUT SONG: “Rolling In The Deep”- Adele 

EXERCISE MOVE: Reach & Squeeze

Bend elbow and bring weight to shoulder as you lift top leg as high as you can.  This exercise works your back, obliques, and butt!!  It is a slower paced movement [not going for speed- in the workout world you want a nice form so it works all the right spots], which means having a fast beat is a no-no!!  However you will feel a fire start to buuurn- so we have none-other-than Ms. Adele!!

Chest Workouts:

WORKOUT SONG:  “Mr. Saxo Beat”- Alexandra Stan

EXERCISE MOVE: Incline Press [with weights]

The Incline Press exercises your pectorals, deltoids, and triceps by strengthening them, and if enough reps are done- will increase mass as well.  When you do Incline presses, what gets you through them is burst of ENERGY!!  So when you hands are in position A- make sure your shoulder blades and then BURST your energy and push them straight up to the top like position B.  This means our music needs are calling for a beat that is repetitive and has a punching back-beat that get us through out BURSTS to the top…  What else besides Alexandra Stan’s Mr. Saxo Beat?!

Ab Workouts:

WORKOUT SONG: “Moves like Jagger”- Maroon 5 Ft. Christian Aguilera 


What The bird dog exercise strengthens your abs and lower back and butt muscles while improving balance. [Opposite arm & leg full extension- then switch & repeat!!]  Bird-Dog [seriously… who thought this name up?!] is a slow paced move that helps you coordinate your balance while your tighten your abs.  “Moves Like Jagger” is a classic Maroon 5 song- 1.) slow paced beat to begin with 2.) bumps it up a notch and then 3.) has some catchy rhythm you can’t get out of your head [in this case: whistling… “do do DOO do DOO do DOO dOOooo” Moves Like Jagger! – and that is JUST how it goes!! You know…].  So Maroon brings it to the floor mats when they released this- because it is in perfect swing for a balancing act- you can WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK!!

Effective Workout Routines:

WORKOUT SONG:  “The Lazy Song”- Bruno Mars


Stretching is how every workout routine should start!!  You’ll feel it when you don’t stretch before and after!!  Okay, now that your lecture is done about the importance of stretch [tres importante!!]- it IS the first thing you do when you get to our women’s workout routine, and it is early in the moooorning!!  The first thing you want IS NOT some hard core rock or rap… You are just waking up for crying out loud!! Plus, stretching is not fast paced nor does it require explosions of energy to complete the tasks at hand.  You are mostly just sitting or standing- pulling, pushing, or bending.  SO of course- “The Lazy Song” has a great beat for early morning “GET HAPPY” time, again- a whistling tune to go along with while you work, and Bruno will just make you laugh at his lyrics!!  Laughing and happiness is what you need to get you in the right zone for working out- fo sho!!!!

Gym Workouts:

WORKOUT SONG:  “Somebody to Love”- Justin Bieber Ft. Usher

EXERCISE MOVE: Cardio Relay Races

If your workout group is awesomely fun like me- then there are fun ways to go about getting cardio done!! Our women’s workout routines sometime throw in a relay race to mix things up a bit! And since it is a large group of women- when we hear this teeny-bopper 13 year old [or 17.. whatever] singing about love and buying diamond rings it just makes us giggle!!  Plus, those brave enough confess their Bieber-Fever while others fake vomit!!  Hey- in group gym workouts you have the fortune of camaraderie- which means you can take advantage of laughing, playing, and having fun!! After all- isn’t that what workouts should be about?!  Who is going to make the effort if it isn’t fun- and nothing says “FUN” like mocking your Bieber-Fever!!

So I have given you plenty of ideas for workout music while you are doing your home workout routines, gym routines, or IN OUR CASE: women’s workout routines!!  Our Busy Mom Fitness group OR Ripped Body Boot Camp clan all put in our ipods to play what songs motivate us, and they are sometimes completely different tastes!!  So what are YOUR top 5 workout songs?!  Someone played the Adele “Rolling in the Deep” in our circuits today, and I had never thought of playing Adele for a pump-up work out… But HEY it landed on my TOP 5 Rockin’ Workout Songs for Women’s Workout Routines because someone suggested it to me.  SO lets hear it!! Top 5 favourite workout songs….

Idiot In Front Of The Camera Tells TRUTH About Exercise Increasing Energy & Productivity

I believe to all who know me- it is a well known fact that I turn into an idiot in front of camera.  It doesn’t matter WHAT kind of camera…. I just morph into a person 2x the ridiculous amount of crazy that I already am… Been doing it ever since I was a kid- some things just don’t change.


No matter what kind of ridiculousness I was acting out [for all that is good and holy, London….] I was completely honest about what our workout group has done for me in only 2 WEEKS!!

2 weeks!! how do you like that ; )

Only after 2 weeks I saw SERIOUS improvement OUTSIDE my physical workouts.  Seeing improvement in your body shape takes time- however, It only took me 3 workout sessions to realize that on days that I worked out I got 3x as much done that day!!

Everyone has their worries and stressers, but I have been searching for a job for so long that it started to affect my sleep.  I would go 48 hours without sleep, and if I could sleep it would only be in the mornings from 9am until 1pm.  Hardly a good routine to be in…  But once joining the workout group I was able to get more sleep- probably because my body knew it needed a resting period!! Plus, our group finishes on week days at 6:45/7:00am…  For a long time that sounded waaaaaay too early for me to be getting up to make breakfast, let alone go workout somewhere…  But after the first exercise morning- I drove away more awake than I had been in weeks!!

Exercise is “good for you”…  That’s great- we all “know” that, but what is not always told is that IF you have a big work presentation coming up and you need to get a lot of work done- one of the BEST things you can do to get the jobs done: GET EXERCISE!!  Working out for body for just 20 minutes wakes you up infinitely more than a power nap does!!

So what do you have going on this week? This month? This YEAR!!

-Are you planning a wedding and want to get in shape AND have the energy to plan all the nitty gritty details that go into weddings?

-Are you a mom that wants to get back into your pre-pregnancy jeans AND have all the energy it takes to keep up with your toddlers, or even worse teens?!

-Are you intensely focused on your career/goals and want to boost your productivity in those areas?

Our workout group in Solana Beach is where ALL of thoooose kind of women [which is ANY AND ALL] come to meet for 45 minutes in the morning, have out “girl time” as I ridiculously put it, get in a SOLID workout, and then go out and TAKE ON THE DAY!!


So do you have a way that you are helping yourself out with your body shape?  Do you have a routine that created a path for success in your weekly/monthly/yearly goals?  If not…  Comment or subscribe to the blog- I want to get you hooked into our group!!  It is Ripped Body Boot Camps [AKA Busy Moms Fitness] goal to help 400 women in the San Diego area get into the shape they want, as well as implementing a routine and path that will lead all 400 women to success in whatever they choose!!

Here is Marnie who works out in our group- a mom of 2 boys and an amazing woman:

Subscribe to the blog and you’ll  be sent a download for my BUSY MOM 5 Minute Makeup Tutorial- all women should have an easy/fast makeup go-to for when times get hectic- and I have created that look and show ya how it’s DONE!

30 Seconds to Sexy- shaping up is faster than you think!!

Getting in shape does take time and dedication- there really is no way of avoiding that.  BUT you can make it as painless as possible by switching things up in your routine & workout life!!  If you are not having fun while you are working out- you are doing it wrong!! 

I say this from experience because when I was in the best shape of my life- I was working out in group sports or dance; anything active I did in a group because that made it feel no longer about getting in shape, but more about having fun together!  If you are getting bored in your workouts maybe it is because you need others around you to keep you entertained-PLUS it could also be that you are doing the same mundane things over and over again…

30 seconds to sexy is the ideal that praises the CIRCUT training method!!

Our workout group at Ripped Body does circuits workouts every single meeting.  This means that we are always switching up gears, doing different stunts and positions, always interested because what we do one day is not what we do the next!!  THIRTY SECONDS… that is all you need to keep progress going and improvement showing!!  Plus, a week ago- if we had to do 40 seconds of push-ups I might have keeled over and died right then and there…  But after just a week of doing the 30 seconds circuits, I already feel my strength getting better- and I could make it to 40 seconds of push-ups.  50… Maybe not.  But by next week I am sure it will be possible!!

Getting the body you want is centered on SHOWING UP to get it!!  We have a girl inour group who is a hip hop dancer and wants Janet Jackson abs!!  I mean seriously- who doesn’t… But Michelle is making it her goal to have those rockin’ Jackson abs.  How is she planning on doing that?  Showing up ALL 3 meetings a week, and going 30 seconds at a time… Everyone 30 seconds down is a 30 seconds closer to her goal!!

I personally want Michelle Obama arms!! Man, our First Lady has the sexiest arms!! And I could do mindless reps along in the gym for 20 minutes- OR I could take it 30 seconds at a time, with perfect form while having a blast with my fitness girls!!  

I really believe that 30 seconds is a motivator… In 30 seconds you could: pick out a tattoo, say “I love you”, or purchase a one way ticket to a foreign land!  Most GREAT things you experience over  a period of time [the whole- “good things take time” issue], but for those of us who are either just too impatient of too excited to wait- we need to set better goals for ourselves!! Yes… getting Janet abs might take a bit longer than 30 seconds…  But accomplishing the goal of doing a workout move for 30 seconds is a task you can finish and check off the list!

Distract yourself while you are waiting for the long term outcome to arrive!!

I am all about the fast pace accomplishments…  I like things that take time- but I am a busy lady, and sometimes I just need something on the go.  30 seconds to sexy doesn’t just stop at circuit training!!  Check out my download later in the week- a 5 Minute Mom Makeup Tutorial- for women on to go!!

$525 in Gifts AND a Slammin’ Body

I just received my first freebie-gift today!!  

With Ripped Body Boot Camp, when you sign up to work out with them and keep up the good work, they give you $525 in gifts!!  I know that sometimes personal training and work out groups can be on the pricey side… BUT I love that with this group, and this group ALONE, you can practically get reimbursed for your workouts!!

I received a $200 gift of a photo shoot with MTran Photography!!  Marilen [the photographer] has a gorgeous portfolio and the gift covers a full photoshoot!! I don’t have to pay anything…  I am always thinking that with “gifts” they’ll give you a $20 voucher for a hair cut at an amazing salon- when really the average cost of a haircut is $90, so if you did decide to use it you’d still be out 70 bucks…  But sooo not the case with Ripped Body Boot Camp!!  

I’m thinking I am going to do a graduation shoot!! I graduated from college this past Spring, and it was such a busy time for me that I never really go to celebrate!!  Well, thanks to my workout group- I now can!!

If nothing else, it is just nice to know that people appreciate you…  On the card I got from the owners of Ripped Body Boot Camp it said: “Mattie- you are the coolest… We’ll have to talk surfing!  This should come in handy for the photos with your friend!  Treat yourself… You’re making big changes and that deserves a reward! -Rob & Diana”.  

Sometimes making the choice to workout is difficult… it takes motivation to get up out of bed in the morning, makes you sore the next day, costs money, and sometimes you just really don’t feeeeel like doing it….  I guess I feel the drive to go to my workout group, not only because they are the best at what the do [a woman in our group has already lost 33lbs. in one month!!], but also because I know that me showing up means something to the group!!  I am appreciated there and it really shows when they are willing to basically hand you back your money in fun rewards.

Look- I am not claiming to be an expert at fitness!!  I am actually an expert traveler and makeup artist.  Neither of which specialize in physical training…  I do know however, that everywhere I have traveled [yes, even in Morocco], and every woman whose makeup I have done- all have one MAJOR thing in common…  We as women- want to feel beautiful!!  And feeling beautiful starts from the inside and works its way outward!!  Working out with my group works on your outside- and they appreciate your inside!!  What better way to display that for all to see, than in a photo shoot!! 

Visit my blog for the next post to find out steps to take in order to feel beautiful.  And please contact me if you’d like any info on my workout group and their $525 in gifts!

Melt Away Calories- with ICE!!

Poor poor Michael Phelps…  The man is a phenomenal swimmer and Olympic winner- yet what do we all remember him for?  Weed.  Ha, poor guy…  Spends his entire life training, eating, sleeping his dream- it was finally there, andthen do to his… ummm… “extracurricular” activities, he is known as the swimmer who smoked pot. Ha, man… Tough break!

HOWEVER, his personal activities aside… Phelps showed us that we can literaly MELT away calories… Instead of having to go on the treadmill for another 20 minutes- we can use…. I-C-E!

Phelps was also famous for his 12,000 calories A DAY!!  12-freaking-thousand!  I aim to have 15-hundred!  The man is a tank!!  But even with all of his training scientifically speaking- he could not burn all of those calories… and yet he never gained weight.  What we found out was that cold exposure correlates with fat burning!  Michael was in the pool everyday- and when you work up a sweat in the water.. it follows you and it get s really hot!  But every time his body would touch the cool air- he’d have his cold exposure!  Nutritionists figured out that Michael was burning 7,000 calories during the day; so where did the other FIVE THOUSAND calories go?  Melted away with cold exposure!!

Insane, right?!

We can do this! It doesn’t take doing 10 five-hundreds [swimmers talk] in the pool in order for us to get this cold exposure.  If you put ICE in a bag and leave it on your neck and/or shoulders for about 20-30 minutes a day [everyday], you can achieve the same effects!!  Calories, literally, melting away!!

If you are looking into shedding some of your daily calories- try this out! What do you have to lose… besides some ice out of your freezer!! I do my ice everyday while I drive- that is at least 30 minutes a day, and I am not unconvinced at all!!  Try it out and tell me how it goes!! Follow me and give me comments- I want to know if you believe in it, you are skeptical, or if you are going to give it a shot!! TAKE ACTION! Meeeelt your calories AWAY!!

Fitness Bliss 101: The “Day-Off” Workout

With all the dieting pills available today it is beyond obvious that people want to get in better shape in the easiest and most convenient way possible! They want to lose weight, tone up, and be a better, healthier, sexier version of themselves [well, who doesn’t?!].  The problem with dieting pills is usually that you are giving your money away for something that will not only NOT give you the body you want, but it also is generally not FDA approved and has some serious risks involved.  So you are compromising your bank account, your desire to live a long and healthy life, and you are not even getting anything out of it- no booty like Beyonce, no abs like Shakira!  Nonetheless, people use these gimmicks [and lets face it! that’s what they are!] because we all want to get as thin as possible without putting in the long hours at the gym…

Mama Fitness always claimed that in order to get amazing results to make you Tyra-Banks-Worthy, you needed to do cardio for at least 40 minutes so your heart rate could get to the “fat burning zone” and start to do some damage control.  But then after that 40 minutes you needed to keep your heart rate up and do weights [or some form of toning exercises] in order tokeep your fat-burning-heart-rate working throughout your body!! Oh and P.S. you should do it 5-6 times a week to really see results, and 3-4 if you’d like to get to your fitness goal by the end of the year…… I am exhausted just describing this process!! And that didn’t even include warm-up and cool down.

I did those kind of workouts for over a year, and always felt like I was getting no where.  And surprise!! By the end of the year- I wasn’t anywhere near I wanted to be.  Jokes on me…. My gym was that much richer and I was that much unhappier!!

So after putting in the hard long hours at the gym, and still getting no where I wanted an easy way out!!  And that is when the Day-Off work out system reeled me in!!  The work out group called “Ripped Body Boot Camp” in Solana Beach & Carmel Valley only advises for the members to workout in our group 3 days a week- and to take the other 4 off!! More days of rest and relaxation than working out?! Yes please!!  Not only that- but when those 3 days a week do come around to work out, it is only for 45 minutes!!  Gym workout timing- that is only when you are staring to burn the calories… At Ripped Body Boot Camp, you are done by that time, and you have burning more calories and received a better and funner workout than ever possible in the lonely gym where everyone is silent.

On the day off system- the instructors Rob & Diana even advise you to not to workout on your resting days because you get that much of a kick ass workout in 45 minutes than you ever would alone at the gym in 80 minutes!  If you are considering a gimmick that would screw with your health, drain your pockets, and still leave all your weight in tact then consider this: working out at Ripped Body Boot Camp LOOKS like the gimmick answer because it is so easy and convenient.  However instead of keeping your fat intact- it will melt away!! And your health will be better than it was at 16!!  Who can argue that this method even has a down side?!

half the battle is sparking your motivation

Everyone has to start somewhere!! When it comes to fitness and health that is the BIG equalizer…

For me- I promised myself almost 3 years ago that I’d get back into the shape that I felt most comfortable in- and then things like my gluten allergy hit as well as my new found love for Moet champaign & Almond Joys… Who knew?!  So for the past 3 years I had  felt all the motivation I thought would eventually make me stick to my fitness plan- alas, it turned out to be just enough motivation to make me try a whole bunch of things that didn’t work for people like me; people like YOU!!

Okay, so if we rule out running [because not only has it not ever been my strong suit- but I can’t be in my head for that long with nothing else to do… too much going on up there…], then that leaves home work out videos or gym exercise.  Let me tell you: I have done both- and for a fair amount of time, which makes my “experimenting” with these options viable.

I worked out at “Fitness” gym for over a year, almost 3-4 times a week and  I would do the elliptical [my version of running], and then weights.  I also would use my heart rate monitor while I was working out to make sure my h.rate was always in the “fat burning zone”…  After a year of doing the whole hassle [you gym-ers know what I am talking about: getting ready your water, towel, workout clothes, clothes for after your work out, ect, ect…] I decided my money wasn’t being put to good use since my fitness level had hardly increased.

I next tried home-video work outs… It is a rare gift to be the type of person who can not only clear a large enough space somewhere in their house 3-4 day of the week in order to work out- but then be motivated through the whole hour or two of the freaking video!!  And believe you me- I tried easy exercises [like dancing workouts] to mid-range [regular push-up, crunches, squats] to the intense [P90X]…  I did my research!!  But none of these videos were working out for me- and I thought about why…

People are social and competitive, and most times need correction and positive reinforcement!

Most people [so don’t think you’d excluded from that!] need a group work out in order to see results.  In a group the members feed off each other, which increases the fun and the competitiveness to do more! do better! and not just against the other people, but against yourself as you start to see improvement.

So this is my new theory- and as always I am putting it to the test!!

I am joining a group workout club that meets in Solana Beach/ Carmel Valley [in San Diego, CA], and since I am sure my theory is right- I am going to document my journey in getting healthy again!!  I’ll review the group and see what secrets they know, and tips they can help all of you with.  So my first workout is this Saturday morning… Stay tuned!!

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